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Lifting of objects generally takes place at construction sites, shipyards, factories and other industrial situations such as offloading with a forklift truck, containers at a warehouse or at a commercial area. Good practice and correct lifting methods can move large objects efficiently, safely and reduce manual handling operations. Incorrect lifting methods however, can lead to major accidents and fatalities. The process of carrying out correct and safe lifting operations involves a range of requirements which must be considered during the planning of any lifting operation.



AEESPL understands that the successful control of lifting operations and safe use of lift equipment requires a high level of planning, commitment, professional competence and adequate resources. Fundamental to the success of any lifting operation is the fact that it must be accepted by those responsible for lifting operations prior to the commencement. AEESPL creates lift plan either in document or software based that specifies the requirements and resources necessary to safely and efficiently carry-out the lifting of the load.



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